Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Help needed

To help keep the course in good condition for all members and guests to enjoy could you please remember to do the following:

* repair any ball marks you create or see on the greens
* rake the bunkers when leaving them ( hopefully after only one shot )
* fill your divots with sand. If you don't have access to a sand bottle then replace your divot
* observe cart path only restrictions
* observe direction signs and exit the fairways between the exit stakes

Thank you for your cooperation and help in making Braemar CC are better place for all to enjoy.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


This is the time of the year when we start to see rattlesnakes on the course. Please use caution at all times but especially when searching for your golf balls in the wooded/brush areas.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Improving Turf Conditions

We are at the time of the year where the annual poa and overseeded ryegrasses start to die. Ryegrass and poa are cool season grasses and our base grass is kikuyu and bermuda, both warm season grasses. We are experiencing this throughout the course but it is more evident in the rough around the greens.
We have started a program that will continue over the next 2-3 months where we will remove the cool season grasses in the high play areas around the greens and replace with warm season turf, hybrid bermuda. This will be an on-going process and not all areas will be replaced this season but this is a step forward.

An example of being able to easily lift the turf which is only rooted in the thatch and does not have any substantial root system in the soil.

Nolberto Mesa sod cutting out an area on # 9 Masters

An area prepared for new sod on # 9 Western

Uvertino Almanza ( left ) and Nolberto laying new sod on # 9 Masters