Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Verticutting and topdressing

Verticutting of the greens is the mechanical process of removing excessive thatch by using a machine that mows vertically rather than horizontally like reel mowers. Thatch is a build up of dead and decaying organic matter that if not maintained can lead to puffy greens and the onset of diseases and pests. That being said, thatch is important to healthy turf; it helps keep the green cool in the summer and warm in the winter. The addition of a light coating of sand also helps breakdown the thatch layer, aids in water infiltration and helps keep the greens smooth and firm.

 Verticutting the greens
Light topdressing with sand


With 20 tennis courts we get alot of balls that end up on the golf course or in the vegetation on the outside of the courts. My golf course maintenance staff picked up and as many balls as we could get last week. I estimate that we collected around 5000 balls.